Posted by threeoaksbiblechapel



We are an autonomous local church under the leadership of multiple Elders and Deacons responsible for the spiritual direction of the congregation.  Leaders must meet the standards defined in the scriptures (1 Timothy 3:1-3, Titus 1:5-9) and are appointed by the elders, not by congregational vote.  The elders serve the believers by providing oversight and pastoral care. Collectively, the elders serve as shepherds under the authority of the Lord Jesus, who is the head and Chief Shepherd of His church,  (Ephesians 5: 18, 1 Peter 5: 4, Acts 20: 28.)


We practice the priesthood of all believers, (1 Peter 2:5), recognizing the Lord has provided spiritual gifts to be exercised for the mutual benefit of all.  Among these are pastors, teachers, and evangelists to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, (Ephesians 4:11-13).  Gifted men provide the ministry of the Word for the congregation. 


We acknowledge anyone who is a member of the Body of Christ by faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and welcome them to fellowship with us. 


Believer’s baptism by immersion is practiced not as a condition for salvation but as symbolically identifying the believer’s death, burial and resurrection with Christ when he/she trusted in Christ as Savior.

Communion (Lord’s Supper)

In obedience to the Lord’s command we observe communion or the Lord’s Supper to remember His death for us reminding us of His death making it possible for forgiveness of our sin.   We observe this weekly in thanksgiving to our Savior for His mercy and grace to us.